2nd Hard Drive Problem-After Re-Install XP Cant access??



Ok so.....
Have 2 hard drives and was bogged down with loads of programs didnt use and
computer was running really slow. So decided to format- but first copied all
my camera pics and any files i needed on to 2nd HD.

Formated my C:\ drive (Master) and tried to install XP - wouldn't let me
install XP unless I formatted my F:\ drive (Slave). So turned off and
disconnected slave (both cables).

Formatted C:\ drive and installed XP - now running nice and smooth
again....however!!! Upon connecting my Slave drive (exactly as it was
before!) XP won't allow me to access it!

It appears as F:\ in Explore but when I try to access it, it says "The disk
in drive F is not formatted. Do you want to format? Yes or No"
Well of course I dont want to format it, I put all my files on there so they
wouldnt be lost!!!!

Can anyone please help?? I'm stumped and have a sore head from banging it
against the wall.
Many Thanks
P.s. Sorry its a bit long winded but wanted to give the full picture. Oh
have updated to SP2 and am up to date on updates.

Rich Barry

Try connecting the second drive as Master on the Secondary IDE channel
( Motherboard connector ).

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