Zoom a range without actually selecting it



VBA newbie here (but learning quickly)

I am trying to zoom to a set of columns. (say G:M)

I am aware of:

Columns ("G:M").Select
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True

But I am trying to do it without actually using the 'select' command.
Let me explain:

I have a worksheet that has the Worksheet_SelectionChange function and
I am trying to have most of my code execute without having to disable
Application.EnableEvents every time I want to do something. I am able
to change cell vaues and properties without actually 'selecting' the
cells i.e. :

Range ("H9").Value = "hello"


Range("H9").Interior.ColorIndex = 8

If I use the Select command then one of my functions forces the acive
cell to column "A" and overrides the zoom area that I want. If Anyone
can tell me how to zoom to a set of columns without having to disable
events first it would be greatly appreciated.



Leith Ross

Hello Jim,

This code example will zoom the ActiveWindow and move column "G" to the
left. The top row shown is row 10. On my screeen I used a zoom of 150%
to get columns "G" to "M" to fill the width of the screen. This is done
without selecting the columns first.

With ActiveWindow
..Zoom = 150
..ScrollColumn = 7
..ScrollRow = 10
End With

Leith Ross

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