Z-test using excel


Hari Prasadh


Not exactly an excel question but still posting here.

I want to do z-test using Excel. I do have the analysis tool pak installed
(along with Analysis tool-pak VBA).

Being used to Canned software (The concerned tabulation software terms it as
Z-Test for percentages) which tell me automatically whether there is any
significant difference between percentages of 2 groups (at 95% CI), am at a
loss to do the same in Excel (ultimately using VBA).

I see that excel data analysis option (within Tools - Data Analysis) offers
"Z test: Two sample for means".

When I click on it I get a dialog box in which I fill some of them
a) Variable 1 range: $A$1:$A$7
b) Variable 2 range: $B$1:$B$7
c) Hypothesized mean difference:
d) Variable 1 variance (known):
e) Variable 2 variance (known):
f) Labels - this is a check-box which was already checked.
g) Alpha: 0.05 - This was already filled
h) Output Range $K$15

Could anybody, please tell me what to fill in c) THROUGH e).

(Please note, though i have mentioned equal variable ranges for variable 1
and 2 above it sometimes happens that one of variable 1 or variable 2 has
missing values for some data points. In stat we call this as system missing

In the tabulation software that I work on, I just have to specify which 2
groups (columns/variable ranges in Excel) to be compared along with the
confidence level at which testing is to be done. I have never had to mention
Hypothesized mean difference, Variable 1 variance etc. Why is excel asking
for these?

Am I looking at a wrong test. Is there any other Z-test which will do what I
want? (Being deficient in Stat, i dunno even know what is it that I want!!)

Though I have separately posted to a Stat group, I would be glad if somebody
could help me with this.


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