YTD Totals and Variances


Christine Wilso

Row 1:Area/ShopNo/Month/Sales2003-04/Sales2004-05
Row 2:Liverpool/31/April/156/150
Row 3:Liverpool/31/May/148/140
Row 13:Liverpool/32/April/160/170
Row 25:Liverpool/33/April/140/135
Row 36:Liverpool/33/March/140/#N/A

If a month has not occured yet #N/A appears as the figures are take
from another database

Alex Delamain

If I understand correctly you want to sum the previous year column fo
every month where there is a value in the current year.

The following will sum sales for shop 31 for 2003-04 (column D) fo
each month where the 2004-05 total is not #N/A


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