You're kidding me, right?

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I'm evaluating BCM 2007 - If I create an appointment and a task for a BCM
business contact, they appear in the Calendar and Task list respectively. But
when I delete them from the History tab of the business contact in BCM, they
don't get deleted on the Calendar and Task list. Likewise, if I delete them
from the Calendar or Task list, they remain in the business contact's history
tab. Am I missing something or was this by design? Someone please tell me I'm
doing something wrong - I can't believe it was designed this way!
Japple, I've made this point in a previous post and, unfortunately, this IS
how the program was designed. Shameful, isn't it?

I suspect that Microsoft is off adding more "features" for the next BCM
release -- sells more new copies-- while glaring deficiencies like this exist
in the current product.
Ah yes, David - I saw your post and printed it as a guide for my evaluation.
Funny thing is...I loaded the online test drive to test this issue. I could
have sworn it worked properly online so I thought, "Hey, they must have fixed
it with a new build." I downloaded/installed the demo with Office Pro 2007
and started testing and found it did not work - that's why I thought I was
doing something wrong. (I just tested it again online to see if I was going
crazy and it did NOT work online either, so in my test drive online I must
have been in Outlook contacts instead of BCM contact). Anyway, yes it's a
shame - I can see wanting to keep emails in BCM after Inbox deletion, but not
deleted task or calendar items. I'm staying with Goldmine, or at least
looking elsewhere until MS figures out how the real world works...if they
care, that is!
May I ask what other products you are comparing to?

I have found so many design errors that I considder dropping BCM all
toggether - are there any pugins for Outllok or should one drop Outlook as

You can check out this Outlook plugin by clicking here:


Per said:
May I ask what other products you are comparing to?

I have found so many design errors that I considder dropping BCM all
toggether - are there any pugins for Outllok or should one drop Outlook as

I'm evaluating BCM 2007 - If I create an appointment and a task for a BCM
business contact, they appear in the Calendar and Task list respectively.
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]
doing something wrong - I can't believe it was designed this way!
MS Outlook/BCM are so poorly written than it is hard to believe they came
from a major software engineering firm. They perform as if they were written
by a high school student working part time. They are shameful.

You can add powerful functionality to Outlook using:

With these add-ins, you won't need BCM at all.


mrtimpeterson via said:
You can check out this Outlook plugin by clicking here:


Per said:
May I ask what other products you are comparing to?

I have found so many design errors that I considder dropping BCM all
toggether - are there any pugins for Outllok or should one drop Outlook as

I'm evaluating BCM 2007 - If I create an appointment and a task for a BCM
business contact, they appear in the Calendar and Task list respectively.
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]
doing something wrong - I can't believe it was designed this way!