Yikes! Where is that initialization code in ASPNET 2.0?



I am just starting 2.0, so I have this

In ASPNET 1.X there is a method called InitializeComponent() which
clearly wires in the Page_Load method to the Load event, like this:

private void InitializeComponent()
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);


However, in ASPNET 2.0, you will not see this anymore. How am I suppose
to know the Page_Load is the correct method? Do you know where they
are hiding the code?

You can put the Page_Load method, and it is guaranteed to be called.
However, I noticed that even if I put the wrong signature such as:

void Page_Load()

It is still called anyway. Why is that?

(Note: Load event has this signature: void Load(object,
System.EventArgs )

ASPNET 2.0 gurus please clarify!



doesn't the specific load function has the signature "handles Page_Load"
orso tailing behind the function ? (so there's where they make a difference
from the other methods)

Brock Allen

However, in ASPNET 2.0, you will not see this anymore. How am I
to know the Page_Load is the correct method? Do you know where they
are hiding the code?

There are several methods that are automatically called based upon naming
convention. This list is well documented. This was the way it was in v1.x
as well. The three important ones are:


IIRC, there are about ten in total. With Reflector, go check out the code
for System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.HookUpAutomaticHandlersWithNoAssert.
You can put the Page_Load method, and it is guaranteed to be called.
However, I noticed that even if I put the wrong signature such as:
void Page_Load()

It is still called anyway. Why is that?

This too was supported in v1.x. It's just a convenience.


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