Yet another STUPID ANNOYING windows problem



I bought a new DVD drive today to replace my old one
which has stopped reading discs. fitted it with no
problems on the 2ndary IDE as a master with no other
drives. Boot into windows, whaddya know? windows sees it
as a removable disc drive AKA Iomega Zip... Ive tried to
force the correct driver installation but i cant get
windows to give me the drivers for CD-Roms, all i get is
a load of removable disk drivers...

Ive removed the driver and rebooted, same problem again.

the drive is seen as a DVD in the Bios and ive even re-
installed windows off it!! but as soon as i hit windows
the heap of crap just says nerrr... its a removable

I thought the days of plug and pray were a thing of the
past... red hat beckons.

Does anyone have any ideas about how i can fix this?




im still experiencing the same problems with the drive,
ive ascertained that it is NOT the drive that is at fault
since ive tried it in other PCs and its worked fine, i
simply cannot get windows to see it as a CDROM, if i try
installing optical disk drivers it works - until i shut
down then when i reboot its a removable disk again...

please please please can someone offer me some advice as
to how i can force windows into recognising this H/W for
what it is

thank you

Ronnie Vernon MVP


im still experiencing the same problems with the drive,
ive ascertained that it is NOT the drive that is at fault
since ive tried it in other PCs and its worked fine, i
simply cannot get windows to see it as a CDROM, if i try
installing optical disk drivers it works - until i shut
down then when i reboot its a removable disk again...

please please please can someone offer me some advice as
to how i can force windows into recognising this H/W for
what it is

thank you

Give us some details about the problem.
What manufacturer and model number?
Did the drive include a disk with it's own drivers?
Does it work with all types of media that it supports?
Have you checked that it is compatible with XP?
Have you checked for a firmware update or any known issues on the
manufacturers website?

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP-Windows Shell/User

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