Yes/No MsgBox



I,ve form that shows a Yes/No MsgBox,i want this message to beavailable
for 10 seconds only,if users don't press on "Yes" the message is closed and
How can i do this?

John W. Vinson

I,ve form that shows a Yes/No MsgBox,i want this message to beavailable
for 10 seconds only,if users don't press on "Yes" the message is closed and
How can i do this?

You can't, with a Msgbox control. Do as Daniel suggests and create a small
unbound form to do so. Set its Timer property to 10000 (10,000 milliseconds =
10 seconds) and put code in its Timer event:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
Me!up = Now
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

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