Yearly Updates of Access Application



I have developed a Membership Database Application in Access. The system has
a defined yearly cycle. The records of some Tables are deleted at the
beginning of each year by the year initialization procedures. Changes in
other parameters are also required. I would like to make it possible "for the
user without access knowledge" to update information related to yearly
updates (For example: “expiry dates†used in queries; "Year" to show on some
Forms Captions, etc.)

I have not found any information about creating global constants "entered by
users" through a dialog and how to call them from queries or forms.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


It seems to me that a parameter query would fill the bill.

I am curious, however, why you would delete any records. As the designer and
maintainer of a membership database myself, I originally deleted individuals
who hadn't paid their dues for two seasons in a row. I was convinced by a
number of gurus in this forum to add a checkbox field for "current," so I
could easily reinstate them and not lose their linked payment history. I did
have to go through and update a lot of queries to include the new field, but
in retrospect it was worth the effort. Just a thought.



Thank you for your suggestion.

Yes, I have a field to identify past members and they remain in the
database. The table I was referring to are for yearly financial data that
should be purged.

The reason why I don't want to use parameter queries is that then the
information must be entered each time a query, form, report etc. is used.
This would be very inconvenient. I would like to do this only once every
year, and possibly by one entry update all related locations.

I think now I explained better the problem I am trying to solve.

Thank you again.

John Vinson

The reason why I don't want to use parameter queries is that then the
information must be entered each time a query, form, report etc. is used.
This would be very inconvenient. I would like to do this only once every
year, and possibly by one entry update all related locations.

If you want to enter a date range for the current calendar year, you
can use
= DateSerial(Year(Date()), 1, 1) AND < DateSerial(Year(Date()) + 1, 1, 1)

A parameter query does not necessarily mean a paramter query which
prompts the user! It can reference a builtin function (like the
above); or you can put constant information on a Form, and use


as a parameter. If it's the application's Startup form and is left
open, it will be available to all other forms, reports, and queries.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Thank you!

Using your suggestion:

and just keeping the information hidden in the main menu form (that is
always open) works really well.


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