Y axis tilte does not appear properly in Excel



when preparing chart I was adding title for axis, it shows the title
properly, after that when I complete the chart the Y axix title does not
appear properly, it can not complete the title, for example; my title was
"Mean Monthly Simulated Streamflow, cfs" it appeared as "Mean Monthly
Simulated Streamflo" or "Mean Month"

How can I drag the title or increase the extension of the titile bar? Any
help will be appreciated! Thanks

Jon Peltier

In some combinations of monitor (particularly widescreen), screen resolution
setting, and window zoom, the Y axis title can be truncated. You can do one
of two things:

1. Replace the title (which cannot be resized) with a textbox.
2. Type a few spaces at the end of the title, followed by a non-breaking
space, which you get by holding ALT while typing 0160 on the numeric keypad
then releasing ALT. These extra spaces are cut off instead of your text.

Both of these suggestions are inferior workarounds, but there's nothing
better, I'm afraid.

- Jon


This problem exists only with MS office 2003 but if I open same excel file
in office 2000 it seems alright, I think its a bug or some other problem with
office 2003, what do you think? but interestingly I crun Microsoft update it
shows Excel is up to date!

Jon Peltier

Does the same computer have 2000 and 2003? Otherwise there may be
differences in video or other settings that cause it to appear one place and
not the other.

My experience with the problem is mostly anecdotal, which is good news for
me. The only time I had this problem consistently on my computer, it was a
problem with most zoom settings, most fonts (some worse than others), every
workbook I tried, even after I quit and restarted Excel. I don't recall if I
tested it on multiple Office versions; if not I tested in 2000. It affected
vertically aligned axis titles (Y and X, if I rotated it), as well as
vertically aligned textboxes and data labels. I'd never heard of the problem
being this severe. Then Windows crashed, I shut down and restarted the
computer, and I've never seen it since, at least not on one of my machines.

- Jon

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