Xtreme Bloody eyes under XP + eyestrains...


Herr Lucifer

How the hell is this happening. First days I moved to XP my eyes were
ok....Now After only one hour of working with XP (watching movie,
typing,...) I get my eyes full of blood. I have heard sth about refresh
rate issues under XP... What can I do to avoid this serious problem?

My monitor: LG 17" Studio works
My VGA : ATI 7000
My Room: Two 100W lamps from above
(monitor brightness = 0 & contrast is usually on 55 out of 100)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

R. McCarty

Refresh rate means the number of times a second that the image
is completely redrawn. Most monitor definition files set the rate
to 60 Hertz. Unfortunately, this is the frequency of line voltage, so
any lights also will cycle on-off at that same frequency. This can
definitely cause eye strain. If your monitor can support it, you
need to increase the refresh rate to 75+ Hertz or greater. The
effect is more noticeable in rooms with fluorescent lighting.

To reset, Open Control Panel, Display Properties, Settings, Advanced.
Monitor - Toggle the arrow to increase the Refresh rate.

Note: On LCD monitors doesn't apply and a refresh rate of 60 Hz
is O.K.

Herr Lucifer

Unfortunately, this is the frequency of line voltage, so
any lights also will cycle on-off at that same frequency. This can
definitely cause eye strain

I have the same problem during day light with no lamps on in my room. The
thing is that; there are thousands of people out there, working under worst
stuation ( older monitors, darker rooms,.) for long hours ( some 9 to 12 )
and never get a damn bloody eye like mine. I have curently set the refresh
rate to 90Hz.... waiting to see what happens...


"Herr Lucifer" said:
I have the same problem during day light with no lamps on in my room. The
thing is that; there are thousands of people out there, working under worst
stuation ( older monitors, darker rooms,.) for long hours ( some 9 to 12 )
and never get a damn bloody eye like mine. I have curently set the refresh
rate to 90Hz.... waiting to see what happens...

For most people that have a refresh problem, anything over 75hz should
solve their problem. Also, try adjusting the resolution to something
easier to see - I run at 1600x1280 on a 19" monitor at 120Hzm but I have
the hardware that supports that.

One other thing - I've found that real monitors (glass screens) are
easier on the eyes than LCD panels.

R. McCarty

About LCD screens - Two things that most folks don't do that
can help. First, Change the Font Rendering (Smoothing) to Clear
Type. The other is that almost all vendors have a Adjustment tool
program to fine tune their monitors to the their video cards. This
can make a significant improvement over default settings.

For years I had a Sony Pro 19" Trinitron, that I really liked. When
it started to go - I finally made the change over to LCD. Only
problem is the lag when displaying Real-time waveforms in Adobe
Audition, otherwise LCD seems fine.


Hey, I just stumbled across this and got interested . . . I'm curious, have
you checked to see if this happens while using anyone else's computer? Maybe
it isn't the computer you're working with but something else going on and you
might consider seeing an eye doctor. In any case, good luck to you.

Al Smith

How the hell is this happening. First days I moved to XP my eyes were
ok....Now After only one hour of working with XP (watching movie,
typing,...) I get my eyes full of blood. I have heard sth about refresh
rate issues under XP... What can I do to avoid this serious problem?

Mr. Lucifer, you should know all about this, to judge by your
name. It's an evil spell by the wicked wizard of Redmond, Gates,
to make all Windows users go blind.

Or, it could be your refresh rate. The minimum for good viewing is
85 Hertz. Higher is better. Turning down the brightness of your
monitor will also help. Try increasing the font size. Stay away
from sites with white text on a black background. It's evil. Like

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