XSLT document() problems

  • Thread starter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn?= Ulsberg
  • Start date

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn?= Ulsberg

Sorry for posting to a lot of groups, but I'm not sure what this
problem relates to, so I thought it was better to be safe than
sorry. Please feel free to set FUT to the proper group when

I'm having problems with the XSLT function 'document()' after
upgrading to ASP.NET 1.1. I've started using XmlUrlResolver in
the xslt.Transform() method, but it doesn't seem to help in all

What I use the 'document()' function for, is requesting a
WebService which returns a string. This is how I do it, which
worked in ASP.NET 1.0:

<xsl:variable name="wsLenkeUrl"
artikkelid=', $artikkelId, '&amp;lenkeid=', $lenkeId)" />

<xsl:variable name="url"
select="document($wsLenkeUrl)/lnk:string" />

The '$url' variable should now contain a URL which is returned
from the webservice. The 'lnk' namespace is declared as the same
used in the return from the WebService. I've also tried using a
static and non-relative path for the '$wsLenkeUrl' (with
"http://...", but it doesn't help.

What's strange, is that if I do the 'document()' function on a
static XML document, it works. I can include (with <xsl:copy-
of>) static XML documents in the same XSLT stylesheet, in the
exact same transformation, but when I do 'document()' on
relative documents as a WebsSrvice, it doesn't work.

What I'm thinking is that doing requests to a WebService might
require some higher permissions than doing so to a static
document. Maybe a QueryString is only permitted when the
permission have been skewed up from the normal permissions, but
I haven't read about this anywhere, and I don't know how to do

Could you please provide me with some information on how to do a
request to a WebService with the 'document()' function in XSLT,
when transformed in an ASP.NET 1.1 WebForm? Many thanks in

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn?= Ulsberg

"Oleg Tkachenko" skrev:
Chances are it has something to do with a way you are loading
XslTransform object. E.g. if you are loading it from a string,
then of course relative URI's in document() cannot be resolved
relatively to Base URI of the stylesheet.

If I load the XSLT document from a string that has an absolute
URL, shouldn't it work?
Show us your code.

Ok, this is how I do it:

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
XslTransform xsl = new XslTransform();

string file = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host
+ HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath +
"/ressurser/xslt/" + xslfile; // "xslfile" is e.g. "tr.xslt"

// "file" will contain the absolute path to the XSLT
// stylesheet document.

xsl.Transform(dok, null, sw, new XmlUrlResolver());

return sw.ToSTring();

Oleg Tkachenko

Asbjørn Ulsberg said:
The '$url' variable should now contain a URL which is returned
from the webservice. The 'lnk' namespace is declared as the same
used in the return from the WebService. I've also tried using a
static and non-relative path for the '$wsLenkeUrl' (with
"http://...", but it doesn't help.

What's strange, is that if I do the 'document()' function on a
static XML document, it works. I can include (with <xsl:copy-
of>) static XML documents in the same XSLT stylesheet, in the
exact same transformation, but when I do 'document()' on
relative documents as a WebsSrvice, it doesn't work.
Chances are it has something to do with a way you are loading XslTransform
object. E.g. if you are loading it from a string, then of course relative
URI's in document() cannot be resolved relatively to Base URI of the stylesheet.
Show us your code.

Oleg Tkachenko

Asbjørn Ulsberg said:
If I load the XSLT document from a string that has an absolute
URL, shouldn't it work?
That means you are loading XSLT document from URL, not from string.
Should work.

Another idea - are you sure your web service supports HTTP GET requests? Try
to open the url in a browser to see what is returned.

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Asbj=F8rn?= Ulsberg

"Oleg Tkachenko" skrev:
That means you are loading XSLT document from URL, not from
string. Should work.

Of course. I just thought «string url = "http://...";» at first,
but now that you explain it, I understand what you initially
meant. #:p
Another idea - are you sure your web service supports HTTP
GET requests?

Yup. I do a little <xsl:value-of select="$url" /> in the XSLT
document, and when I do a HTTP GET on that in a browser, it
returns the correct result.

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