XPe Reg Code..?



Hello was wondering if someone could help me. I downloaded the eval Win XPe with SP1 about two weeks ago. I then downloaded the software again and the reg code does not work with it.... Could someone tell my why, or at least how to fix this problem. I know it did work because I installed it once.

Thanks for your help,

James Beau Cseri

Are you referring to the Product ID (PID) key that you're supposed to type
in when prompted during the installation of the development kit? I don't
know why it wouldn't work on a second installation, but perhaps you might
have made a typo when entering the PID.

Windhamrules said:
Hello was wondering if someone could help me. I downloaded the eval Win
XPe with SP1 about two weeks ago. I then downloaded the software again and
the reg code does not work with it.... Could someone tell my why, or at
least how to fix this problem. I know it did work because I installed it

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