XP Word Won't open


Nomen Nescio

Recently a friend upgraded to XP Home from Win98. Then he found his OE
didn't have a spellchecker (uses a MS office app for that) He reinstalled
his MS Office Small Business 2000 to find that now he could use a
spellchecker on OE, had Excel etc but now can't open Word without seeing
an error message concerning missing Norton files. Any help on this?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


I'm guessing he didn't read the upgrade recommendation and went ahead while
Norton's was installed and running. Have him uninstall Nortons and reinstall
it (or preferably just leave it uninstalled).

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Nomen Nescio

Thanks the response. I recommended he uninstall both the Word module of
Office and Norton as you suggested. He said he did but I suspect that he
had reinstalled Norton and then went through the drill. Then again, even
though an unistall takes place, can we really be sure it is? I will pass
this recommendation along. Odd that Excel etc works but Word doesn't want
to open without the error. Thanks much.

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