XP Won't Shutdown




If someone could help me please. I upgrade from a 30 Gig
to a 80 Gig hardrive and loaded my XP and now my system
won't shut down completely. It hangs at "windows is
shutting down".

Any help is greatly appreciated.

R. C. White

Hi, Nancy.

As I just said in reply to your same question in another newsgroup: Start
at Jim Eshelman's page:

It's seldom necessary to post the same question in multiple newsgroups.
When you MUST do it, please crosspost. That is, put all the newsgroup names
into the address line of the Compose box (in either OE or the Web-based
interface) of a single message. Then it will appear in all those
newsgroups. When I read it in one, it will be marked "Read" - for me - in
all of them. The payoff for you is that all the responses will appear in a
single coherent thread - in all the newsgroups - and you won't have to
search each one for answers.


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