XP vs Floppy


J&P Steele

What is it about XP or my floppy drive that takes so long for XP to
initially prepare the A drive after the disk is inserted.

Overall, I have found XP (recently upgraded) to be more stable and faster
than Win98, but there are a few elementary niggles which I would have
thought Microsoft would have sorted by now.


Joe Steele


Just an FYI. for anonymous in post;

"Webster" note etymology. The term you must have had in mind came to be
much,much later. Suggestion, read a book!

"Main Entry: 1nig·gle
Pronunciation: 'ni-g&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): nig·gled; nig·gling /-g(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: circa 1616
intransitive senses
1 a : TRIFLE b : to spend too much effort on minor details
2 : to find fault constantly in a petty way : CARP <she haggles, she
niggles, she wears out our patience -- Virginia Woolf>
3 : GNAW
transitive senses : to give stingily or in tiny portions




... there are a few elementary niggles which I would have

Please keep your ethnic slurs to yourself.

Nothing ethnic about it. See below


2 entries found for niggle.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: 1nig·gle
Pronunciation: 'ni-g&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): nig·gled; nig·gling /-g(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: circa 1616
intransitive senses
1 a : TRIFLE b : to spend too much effort on minor details
2 : to find fault constantly in a petty way : CARP <she haggles, she
niggles, she wears out our patience -- Virginia Woolf>
3 : GNAW
transitive senses : to give stingily or in tiny portions
- nig·gler /-g(&-)l&r/ noun

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