XP/Vista Folder Delete/Rename Conflicts



I'm running two PCs, one with Win XP Pro and one with Vista. Both connect to
my department's LAN.

When I delete or rename a folder on a network drive, using Win XP Windows
Explorer, the procedure appears to work correctly according to XP.

When I view the same network drive using Vista's Windows Explorer, deleted
folders reappear and renamed folders appear under both their original and new

The phantom folders can't be deleted. Most files in the phantom folders
can't be either opened or deleted, although some can.

When I delete a "live" folder using Vista's Windows explorer, the folder
doesn't reappear. The phantom reappearance only happens when I delete using

Any clues?


No real help from me--just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I'm
having the exact same problem...the deleted files appear on the Vista machine
with an icon containing a gray X. The only thing I've managed to find is
that, when I access the Vista drive using it's IP address, things are fine,
except that I can't do any moving or copying between drives (permissions


I found the answer! It's happening because Vista has Offline Files enabled by
default, which means that Vista keeps a local copy of files on a network
drive. Offline Files works in conjunction with the Sync Center to get the
network files. On my machine, I discovered Offline Files and the Sync Center
AFTER the machines had synchronized and turned both off. But, the Vista
machine was keeping the old copy of Offline files.

To solve the problem, I turned on Offline Files again and enabled the Sync
Center, but I didn't sync. Instead, I deleted everything listed in the
Offline Files folder, rebooted, and turned off Offline Files and the Sync
Center again. Now things update properly.

On the Windows Start menu, search for Offline Files--that opens the dialog
where you can enable or disable Offline Files & the Sync Center.

Hope this helps you.

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