XP SP2 Install fails



I downloaded the entire XP SP2 service pack and tried to install it on a PC
running XP Pro and Office XP and not mucj else at this point. The PC has all
the services packs up to date. I unloaded the anti-virus software and
started the XP SP2 install. The progress bar got about 1/2 way thru and came
up with an error message that said the "the installer has encountered a
problem and needs to close". I had a restore point I created just before the
trying the install so I was able to recover but would love to know where to
start looking for the possible cause. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Possibly a bad download, but more likely interference from something else
running. Ensure no applications are running, not just your antivirus
software. Check the processes tab of task manager for unnecessary items.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

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