XP Setup says it cannot find hard discs??



When instaling XP Pro on a new PC I get the following message:
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your system.

After searching Microsoft for help it mentions using an OEM disc driver, but
that the driver can only be installed from a floppy disc??!!
That seems like my DVD player asking me to use a VHS tape!
Does anyone use floppys anymore? Do machines still come with floppy drives?
(rhetorical questions).
Anyway, using a floppy is not an option in this case.
Does anyone know an alternative solution to this issue so I can proceed with
my XP install?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


You first need to start with the Bio and make sure that the drives are
recognized by the motherboard. If they ARE, I would think that the XP
install would 'see' them - if not, you need to start there and fix it. Some
bios require that you manually activate a 'Search for all Drives' option
before they'll recognize them.

Shenan Stanley

ChuckTheDuck said:
When instaling XP Pro on a new PC I get the following message:
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your system.

After searching Microsoft for help it mentions using an OEM disc
driver, but that the driver can only be installed from a floppy

That seems like my DVD player asking me to use a VHS tape!

Not really. Your DVD player is likely running 'soft'ware that doesn't
recognize VHS tapes. It has a version modern enough (or made just for that
specific device) that doesn't go beyond its own scope.
Does anyone use floppys anymore? Do machines still come with floppy
drives? (rhetorical questions).

Rhetorical questions with 'Yes' as an answer to both.

Remember - you have chosen to go with an Operating System (not a horrible
choice - but you must know the limitations) that came out way back in
2001/2002. Things change quickly in computing and 2001/2002 is a LIFETIME
Anyway, using a floppy is not an option in this case.

Too bad - you should likely keep an inexpensive USB floppy disk drive
around - just in case.
Does anyone know an alternative solution to this issue so I can
proceed with my XP install?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Oh - you are implying you want the answer?
Not just asking if anyone knows a solution?

Integrate the controller driver into your Windows XP installation media.

That's your solution.

Using some method like this:


ALWAYS love your replies.
Nothing like a little humor to deal with what are usually hairpulling
agonizing problems!!

I'll give it a try and THANKS!
BTW, I think the MS knowledge base article may have said an external drive
wouldnt work?

p.s.--I'll pick up that inexpensive USB floppy drive. I should probably pick
up a VHS/Beta combo just in case as well! *grin*

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