XP Problem- last msg



Using PC Health, found the following PS conditions:

Vcore 1.78v (nothing noted to compare this to).
2.5v Supply: now 1.18v This seems to be a significant difference. True?

All others right on or a few hundreds off. (Ex 3.33 is 3.31, 12 is 12,

Note: Windows crashed (see last msg) follow an occasional BLUE screen.
Memory is dumped to the HD.* Windows restarts with immediate Checkdsks
executed, and in past, after one or two runs through this battle, Windows
comes up fine. Not last night! Now, this AM, even an XP Repair will not
run through - stops w/error msgs.

*On those last occassions I removed memory, cleaned the contacts (eraser
rub) and reinstalled.



BTW ~ are the lower voltage sources derived from circuitry on the MB, or do
they come directly from the PS??


BTW ~ are the lower voltage sources derived from circuitry on the MB,
or do they come directly from the PS??

The power supply creates 5v and 12v. All other voltages comes from
regulators on the MB.

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