xp partition not recognized as ntfs



My computer is a P4 1.6 1GB RAM running XP-Pro.
The original system setup was
the os and all programs on
C:\ (IBM 40Gb)
and backup files on a second drive (WD 200Gb), partitioned into

with the exception of C: choking on scandisk, the system was running
fine. The reason for scandisk failing was a bad sector/cluster(?) on
my IBM 40Gb drive that DFT said it couldn't repair. It recommended a
disk erase. No problem, thought I, because I have all my data backed
So I double checked the backup files and ... just did a fresh install
of windowsxp.
While installing XP I disconnected the WD drive. When I started
downloading windows updates and video drivers, I reconnected the WD.
Now, the D: and E: partitions are accessible and look fine, but F: is
In My Computer, when I click the drive, I get an alert that "The drive
in F is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?" which of
course I don't.
In Disk Management, the partition size is reported correctly and it's
listed as healthy, there just is no information about the file system.
The other two are reported as NTFS:

Music (D:)
97.65 GB NTFS

Junk (E:)
42.97 GB NTFS

45.69 GB

I can't understand the problem here, but I do want that backup data
off the partition. Can anyone help?


I have had some success since my initial post.
After installing Intel drivers for my mother board, the drive
correctly reads as NTFS. Now, I have pulled some of the files off the
partition, but low and behold, I still cannot access my dearly beloved
backup folder.
CHDDSK fails for this drive, but the WD hard drive tests all run
smoothly, noting no errors on the drive at all.
The name of this folder is "mydocumentsbackup 10.30.03" and I suspect
that the space between p and 10.30.03 is what causes windows to
"F:\mydocumentsbackup 10.30.03 is not accessible. The file or
directory is corrupted and unreadable."
I'm stuck again. I plan on spending the night getting this fixed, and
maybe this weekend too. Any help or suggestions are welcome.

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