xp install


Brian M

I have 4 pc's that are running xp. Due to the issues w/ SP2, I can only
assume that something is wrong w/ one of them. I've wasted 2 weeks on
newsgroups, etc so I may as well bite the bullet and reinstall. Here is my
question. I have 3 different Windows CD's (still unopened) but the Product
key number is on the PC. Does it matter which CD I use? I'm not sure which
CD goes with which PC. Also, should I copy it to another CD and try to
Slipstream SP2 or should I just set it up and then install SP2. I assume I
don't have to reinstall SP1.



Go to www.belarc.com and get the Belarc Advisor. Run it on each machine and
note the various Software Licenses. Here you will find the PIDs and the key
codes. That should help you figure out which CD goes with which computer.


Brian said:
I have 4 pc's that are running xp. Due to the issues w/ SP2, I can only
assume that something is wrong w/ one of them. I've wasted 2 weeks on
newsgroups, etc so I may as well bite the bullet and reinstall. Here is my
question. I have 3 different Windows CD's (still unopened) but the Product
key number is on the PC. Does it matter which CD I use? I'm not sure which
CD goes with which PC. Also, should I copy it to another CD and try to
Slipstream SP2 or should I just set it up and then install SP2. I assume I
don't have to reinstall SP1.


Which CD you use doesn't matter as long at the CD is the same type as
the license. Ie retail vs retail, OEM etc. What is installed on the
computer you need to reinstall on? If it's a retail version then any
retail will do. If it's an OEM version then you need the CD from that

Yes it would be best to slipstream the install CD with SP2 and do it all
at once. Here is one way to do it:


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