XP IE viewed links don't update


Ed in Seattle

I have XP Home and IE 6 with all available updates loaded.

When I open a website like CNN.com and click on news
article links, I expect the links to change to
the "viewed" or background color.

Since yesterday, my links on all web pages are NOT
changing status after being clicked on.

No apps, applets or utilities have been installed since
the behavior changed.

I have emptied my cache and cookies, dumped my "recycle
bin", ran a virus scan, scanned for malware with Ad
Aware, ran a Disk Check on my Windows partition, and
shutdown cold and restarted.

I still have the problem, I know I've battled this one
before and think the problem was overstuffed Temp
Internet Files cache. This time the basic stuff isn't
fixing it.

I've looked on the KB, no articles hit on "IE viewed
links color change" and other combinations.

Any Ideas?


Ed in Seattle

Yeah, thanks

I had not checked that. I found the settings, switched
colors and tested... no difference.

Any other ideas?

-----Original Message-----
Hi Ed,

No real idea, but a thought: Check Internet
Options/General tab/"colors" and

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Ed,

No, not really. Other than checking that IE hstory is not completely
disabled, I'd recheck this in an IE group.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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