XP Home Won't Boot



I have been running XP Home for 90 days. Over this weekend
my computer just reboot and now is in a loop. It runs
through the BIOS and comes to a black window with safe
mode and so on. When I try to run any of them it reboots.
Is there a way to repair the boot files or what?

Thank you,


I had this happen a couple of times, so I changed my hard drive and it has
been ok since. Mine would do it ever 3 or 4 months. The board I'm using has
a ata133, the original drive was a 100ata, went to the newer 133 and like I
said works fine now.


Hmm. Ok...you'd better perform a repair install. You'll need to configure
the BIOS to boot from a CD drive, then insert your XP CD and reboot.

I don't know how eXPerienced you are, but, briefly; this is NOT a
format/reinstall. You will NOT lose all of your stuff this way. All you're
doing is replacing the crucial Windows files with a fresh copy. You will
however, need to reinstall the various Service Packs/Updates etc.


Follow Method #2.



Ron, Thanks again but when I followed the info in the
article 315341. When I got to #4 under method#2 it is
asking for partition info and changes. It doesn't ask to
repair at all just add or delete partitions. Now what? As
you can guess, I am trying not to lose all my stuff.
PLEASE let me know what else I can do.



Hmm. Don, at the point you're describing, XP is asking you if you want to
repair [THIS] installation. (Say yes) It just wants to be sure that it is
addressing the installation that you want it to. (Since you prob only HAVE
the one installation...it's safe.

(You cannot accidentally delete or otherwise harm the partition. You would
have to press different keys, and it would be a two-step process. Not
easily messed up.)

You'll be fine. Keep us posted.


http://www.webtree.ca/windowsxp/rep...s XP by Installing Over top of Existing Setup:

Go here. Click "How to Run a Repair Install". It proceeds in the sequence
indicated in the screenshots. Yes, you may see the word "partition" at some
point in the sequence. Don't worry. Just press either "ENTER" or "R" at
the appropriate times and it should work.

BTW - are you using some sort of strange CD? Or is it a normal MS XP
installation disc? Also, do you see the "Press any key to boot from CD"
message at the bottom of your screen at initial boot? And presum you press
a key? You only have to do that once. Your comp will restart a couple of
times by itself, and although you will still see that message, leave it

Back to you.

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