xp home will not start



xp home will not start because "DNSAPI.dll" is missing. When trying to start with xp cd, it gives me "cannot load DNSAPI.dll" after it loads a bunch of things. Any suggestiongs would be deeply appreciated.


Thanks Kelly but could not get much help from that site. The machine will not start, so cannot get the fix onto the machine...if it is DNSAPI.dll {memory problem".


Yeah, I know.....thought about that as well. As this won't help much

You want to get from the CD - file
\i386\dnsapi.dl and put it as windows\system32\dnsapi.dll

Then either way, Start - Run and run the lines
regsvr32 dnsapi.dll
regsvr32 licdll.dll
regsvr32 regwizc.dll

Do some reading here and good luck: http://tinyurl.com/2yq6w

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