XP Home LogOff/Shudown Scripts



I would really like to add a shutdown script to my XP Home system, but I
can't figure out how to do this. I would settle for a logoff script, but I
can't figure that out either.

gpedit.msc doesn't seem to be available for XpHome. Any help or thoughts
would be appreciated. BTW i'm attempting a cmd and a vbs/wsh file.

Thank you again.



Windows XP Home edition does not support Group Policy since it is domain
related activity.
M. Rajesh
..Net and Windows Shell MVP
Windows MarketPlace Moderator


Hello and thank you for your help,

I had that feeling about gpedit. Any thoughts as to enabling a log
off/shutdown script. I know ScheduleTasks has a "run at startup"

I suppose I could create a task to run on certain days. Have the task
create a reg key to run at start up. Then, on the next reboot, have my
script run, delete the runOnceEx key created, and then reboot, but that just
seems so backwards.

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