XP Help



In Windows 2000, etc, when I go to Help, I get a left side section that contains tabs for Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites. In Windows XP, I get a dialog with the title of "Help and Support center". This seems to be a dumbing down of help or I am missing something.

There must be a way of displaying help in a similar manner to the Help that is available of Windows 2000, .NET, etc. What am I missing?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Windows XP offers a far better Help and Support program than
found in previous versions of Windows.

1. Open XP's "Help and Support" program.
2. On the toolbar, click on "Index".

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| In Windows 2000, etc, when I go to Help, I get a left side section that contains tabs for Contents, Index,
Search, and Favorites. In Windows XP, I get a dialog with the title of "Help and Support center". This seems
to be a dumbing down of help or I am missing something.
| There must be a way of displaying help in a similar manner to the Help that is available of Windows 2000,
..NET, etc. What am I missing?

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