I have XP SP2 loaded on computer that is within a 2003 Small Business Server
BY DEFAULT XP will not allow me to turn OFF the new windows firewall.
The radio button that says "Off (Not Recommended)" is greyed out.
At the top of the Windows Firewall Dialog Box is the following Text.
"For your security, some settings are controlled by Group Policy"
I've created a test LAB and loaded XP and then took SP2 and this behavior
occurs evertime, regarless of whom I'm logged in as...I can be DOMAIN ADMIN
and it still occurs.
I know, I know...firewall on... good firewall off.... BAD
I still want it OFF. I don't want exceptions added. Ijust want it OFF!
I go to the Server and go to the Group Policy Editor and Edit the Internet
Connection Firewall GPO.
I go specifically to Computer Configuration/Administrative
Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall:
Under Domain Profile and Standard Profile....I find NOTHING to disable the
new Windows Firewall...I'm able to add exceptions, but that's not what I
want. I want to allow the users to turn it OFF.
I've tried going to the local XP gpedit.msc and looking there for some why
to allow it, but can not locate a setting.
Many people have pointed me to a MS Article about how to configure the XP
firewall....it doesn't mention how to turn it off either that I can find.
Any help here?
BY DEFAULT XP will not allow me to turn OFF the new windows firewall.
The radio button that says "Off (Not Recommended)" is greyed out.
At the top of the Windows Firewall Dialog Box is the following Text.
"For your security, some settings are controlled by Group Policy"
I've created a test LAB and loaded XP and then took SP2 and this behavior
occurs evertime, regarless of whom I'm logged in as...I can be DOMAIN ADMIN
and it still occurs.
I know, I know...firewall on... good firewall off.... BAD
I still want it OFF. I don't want exceptions added. Ijust want it OFF!
I go to the Server and go to the Group Policy Editor and Edit the Internet
Connection Firewall GPO.
I go specifically to Computer Configuration/Administrative
Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall:
Under Domain Profile and Standard Profile....I find NOTHING to disable the
new Windows Firewall...I'm able to add exceptions, but that's not what I
want. I want to allow the users to turn it OFF.
I've tried going to the local XP gpedit.msc and looking there for some why
to allow it, but can not locate a setting.
Many people have pointed me to a MS Article about how to configure the XP
firewall....it doesn't mention how to turn it off either that I can find.
Any help here?