XP - files in windows/system32 Possible Virus


Mike Overend

My home machine has become very sluggish - nearly unusable
after dropping to safe mode with command prompt I saw 4
files in the windows\system32 directory that are flagged
SHR System Hidden Read Only

They are WINKXJ.exe

I am sometimes able to bring up task mgr and saw that the
last file is taking large amoust of cpu time.

Q1) Are these files valid windows files or should they be
Q2) I did try to 'attrib' them to rename them to see if
they were the problem but the attrib responded unable to
reset ...
Q3) Are these files related to a knwon virus and are there
other problem files or settings that I would be better
served to get updated anti-virus software.

Thanks in advance for any and all responses.


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