XP Fan Failed



Thanks tom p computer not starting up Error fan failed but the fan is
still running but not sure if it is running at full power would this still
cause the trouble


Thanks tom p computer not starting up Error fan failed but the fan is
still running but not sure if it is running at full power would this still
cause the trouble

Depending on the PC/computer, I now that several models (old
Compaqs)would not let the system start-up is an internal fan is
registering errors. Replace in soon.


You said the fan is running. If its the same fan as indicated in the bios
error, could be a few things. The feedback of the fan speed built into the
fan may be defective, replace the fan. The fan may be turning too slow,
replace the fan. The feedback line pin on the motherboard is bent over
under the fan plugin connecter, straighten the pin. Inadequate +12V
amperage, replace power supply.

The bios usually contains: the perceived current speed of the fan, and, the
speed at which the fan will cause the PC to shutdown.


Noncompliant said:
You said the fan is running. If its the same fan as indicated in the bios
error, could be a few things. The feedback of the fan speed built into
the fan may be defective, replace the fan. The fan may be turning too
slow, replace the fan. The feedback line pin on the motherboard is bent
over under the fan plugin connecter, straighten the pin. Inadequate +12V
amperage, replace power supply.

The bios usually contains: the perceived current speed of the fan, and,
the speed at which the fan will cause the PC to shutdown.


For corporate legal advice regarding the EULA for XP, check with a lawyer
qualified in corporate law.

Is he looking at the right fan?

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