XP Fails to start


Dan Hawes


Here is my problem. I loaded SP1 onto XP Home. It worked
until the next reboot. Now it won't start the XP UI, it
just goes round and round through the reboot process. I
read the other posts and have tried booting from the CD to
reinstall. The CD begins loading and when it gets to the
point where it says "Setup is starting Windows" the screen
flickers and I get the following error message. " There is
a syntax error in the .SIF file that Setup uses at line:
16331. Setup cannot continue. Shut down and restart your
computer. So now I have XP that won't start and a setup CD
that won't start. Is this the end of my road?

Thanks in advance,


Andrew E

Shut down computer,at start go into BIOS(usually tapping
the F1/HELP key),exit page,select,load set-up defaults,
then select,save changes and exit BIOS.

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