XP - Defrag - Scan



I just purchased a new computer -with XP - I notice that there is no Scan any
longer only defrag - My hard drive is 160 - just curious as to how often have
to/should run defrag. On the boards I have read where people are running
some kind of scan - is that necessary.

Ken Blake

GP said:
I just purchased a new computer -with XP - I notice that there
is no

"Scan"? Do you mean Scandisk? The XP equivalent is called

any longer only defrag - My hard drive is 160 - just curious as
to how often have to/should run defrag.

There's no answer that's right for everyone. It depends on how
you use your computer and it depends on how much you use your

You should defragment your drive when doing so results in a speed
up. Here's what I recommend. Pick some arbitrary interval--for
example once a month. Defragment on that interval a few times,
and assess whether the computer generally feels faster after
doing so. If the answer is yes, defrag more frequently. If the
answer is no, defrag less frequently.

Repeat a few times, and you'll soon settle into a frequency that
works well for you.

R. McCarty

Chkdsk is the NT/2000/XP equivalent to the 9X Scandisk. There
are 2 modes or levels. One is a simple Chkdsk C:. This can be
invoked from a Command Prompt Window. The simple Chkdsk
is a cursory check - it performs no repairs. However, it will report
if errors are found and recommend a more comprehensive run of
Chkdsk with a command qualifier /F(ix) /R(Repair). The /F or /R
must be done at Windows Boot time to gain exclusive access to
the drive. One word of caution, before you run a Chkdsk with
the Fix or Repair be sure your critical data is backed up. Chkdsk
can make substantial changes to your drive. Sometimes the area
it fixes may contain data that may no longer be accessible.
You can run the Chkdsk from Windows Explorer. Right Click a
drive's icon, Left Click Properties - from the details box click the
Tools (TAB) and then the Error-Checking category "Check Now".

Wesley Vogel

Do you mean Scandisk?

Scandisk has been retired. Use Error Checking (chkdsk.exe) in XP.
1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click the drive you want to
check, and then click Properties.
2. On the Tools tab, click Check Now.
3. Check both boxes:

Automatically fix file system errors
Runs Chkdsk by using the /f parameter.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking. All files must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is
currently in use, a message asks if you want to reschedule
the disk checking for the next time you restart your computer. Your drive is
not available to run other tasks while the disk is being checked.]]

Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
Runs Chkdsk by using the /r parameter.
[[Specifies whether Windows repairs file-system errors found during disk
checking, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information. All files
must be closed for this program to run. If the drive is currently in use, a
message asks if you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time
you restart your computer. Your drive is not available to run other tasks
while the disk is being checked. If you select this option, you do not need
to select Automatically fix file system errors. Windows fixes any errors on
the disk.]]

You have to reboot for Error-checking to run.

For a peek at the chkdsk log.

Open the Event Viewer...
Start | Run | Type: eventvwr | OK
Look in Application | Listed as Information |
Event ID: 1001
Source: Winlogon

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



For the Disk defragmenter to perform uninterrupted also, u may need to
have only the essential programs running, disable the screensavers,
temporarily disable virus scans.If some program writes to disk it may
result in the defrag starting all over again..In fact the best thing
would be safemode-run CHKDSK and then defragment. I find the running
the defrags manually a big pain and have opted for a third party tool
that has some advanced features. But then it all depends on how heavy
your use is..if you add/delete/ edit large files or lot of files often,
you should defragment in shorter intervals.


For the Disk defragmenter to perform uninterrupted also, u may need to
have only the essential programs running, disable the screensavers,
temporarily disable virus scans.If some program writes to disk it may
result in the defrag starting all over again..In fact the best thing
would be safemode-run CHKDSK and then defragment. I find the running
the defrags manually a big pain and have opted for a third party tool
that has some advanced features. But then it all depends on how heavy
your use is..if you add/delete/ edit large files or lot of files often,
you should defragment in shorter intervals.

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