xp activation warning every time the computer boots


mike k

Why is that windows asks to be activated everytime i boot,
i went through the activation process twice, i get on the
desktop after activating, boot again and it asks to be
activated again,,please help.The first time it did that it
was asking to be activated but rebooted after clicking on
yes to activate button so i reloaded windows xp in repair
mode and it allowed me to get to the activation screen and
activated properly and worked until i rebooted the
machine. what could be wrong?


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Mike,

Try this:

Start/run regsvr32 regwizc.dll
Then start/run regsvr32 licdll.dll

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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