XP 64 and VS 2003



I will soon be replacing my computer with a new one running XP 64. I use
Visual Studio 2003 and I expect to have problems.

Do I need to upgrade to VS 2005 to write 64 bit applications?
Do I need to have a 64 bit version of the dot net framework installed?

What other things had I better consider?



You will have to enable IIS to run 32 bit programs to run vs 2003
on a computer running xp x64. It is real simple.


As for writting 64bit applications you will need to use vs 2005
because there is no 64bit version of the framework 1.1. The most anoying
problem I have with 64bit programs is there is no 64 bit version of odbc.
You need to compile programs that use an access db as 32 bit program to get
to use the 32bit drivers.

The biggest thing to worry about with xp x64 pro is drivers. There
are not many 64bit drivers for printers, scanner, web cam drivers out there.
PlanetAmd64 is a good resource for 64bit things. The 64 bit windows
newsgroup is another good place for help.


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