XmlDocument persistent errors


Philip Townsend

I am attempting to parse through an XML document using the XmlDocument
object. I keep getting a NullReferenceException. I have even tried using
the fully qualified name, but with no luck. Here is the code:

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

System.Xml.XmlDocument xd = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
XmlNode nd;

nd = xd.FirstChild["counties"];

foreach(System.Xml.XmlNode n in nd.ChildNodes)


Any suggestions?

Jerry Houston

Consider the syntax you used in:

nd = xd.FirstChild["counties"];

Did you mean to use this instead?

nd = xd.SelectNode("counties");

FirstChild is a property of a node, but you're using it as if it were an
indexed collection.

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