XML in Excel



I'm training to get my MOS certification in office. The training program I
have instructs me to work with XML in Excel and it says to go to Data -> XML
-> ... When I click on my Data menu, there is no XML submenu. I am running
Excel 2003. Is this an addin by any chance? Anyone know why this is?

Jim Rech

This feature is found only in the 'Professional Edition' of Excel 2003. If
you have a student or some other version that feature is not available.

| I'm training to get my MOS certification in office. The training program
| have instructs me to work with XML in Excel and it says to go to Data ->
| -> ... When I click on my Data menu, there is no XML submenu. I am
| Excel 2003. Is this an addin by any chance? Anyone know why this is?
| Thanks.

David Biddulph

rsq2_15 said:
I'm training to get my MOS certification in office. The training program
have instructs me to work with XML in Excel and it says to go to Data ->
-> ... When I click on my Data menu, there is no XML submenu. I am
Excel 2003. Is this an addin by any chance? Anyone know why this is?

You need Office Professional. I think you'll find that the standard version
doesn't include that facility.

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