XML format enforcement



I wish to write some kind of XML format enforcer like DTD, XSD or other that
can do the following:
(1) Any element and node must have Type attribute that can be read as data
type by the parser.
(1) Any element and node may have (optional) four more attributes.

I XML enforcer should allow any tree structure and any number of nodes in
any tree.

Does anyone can tell how it's possible?

Any example will be most appreciated.


It certainly can be done. Visual Studio 2005 can use XSD, but not DTD;
has methods for attaching external xsd's or you can place the xsd
inline in the code. Check out the VS documentation. w3.org has
specifications etc.


Thanks Robert for your reply.

I know that XSD can be attached to an XML file, but I don't know how the SAD
should look like in order to enforce the formatting I have posted.

Can you post en example showing this?

P.S.: I'm using VS 2003.


It seems that ant DTD or XSD defining the node name (parameter name in my
case), and this not good for me.

I need to let the user enter any node name he likes, but I do want to force
him to use my predefined attributes.
And I can't not find a way to do that.

Is there ?


Ok, I think I found a way to do thanks to Marc Clifton articale on
CodeProject (http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/MycroXaml.asp).

The XML file can be somthing like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<System Name="System">
<Speed type="System.Iint32">111</Speed >
<_xAxis type="System.Single">222</_xAxis>
<_yAxis type="System.Double">333</_yAxis>
<_ID type="System.Int64">444</_ID>
<_Name type="System.String">String value...</_Name>

And the C# code can be:

System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader("TypesDef.xml");
string text = sr.ReadToEnd();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc.FirstChild;
while( node.NodeType.ToString() != "Element" )
node = node.NextSibling;

XmlNode paramsNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Paramaters");
XmlNodeList nodeList = paramsNode.ChildNodes;
Hashtable verTypes = new Hashtable(nodeList.Count);
string typeName = "";
Type type;

foreach( XmlNode xmlNode in nodeList )
XmlAttribute attr = xmlNode.Attributes["type"];
typeName = attr.Value;
if( typeName == "System.String" )
verTypes[xmlNode.Name] = xmlNode.InnerText;
type = Type.GetType(typeName, false);
object typeIntance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
System.Reflection.MethodInfo Parse = type.GetMethod("Parse", new Type
[] {typeof(String)});
verTypes[xmlNode.Name] = Parse.Invoke(type, new object[]

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