XML Edit/Save



Hey All,

I need to edit an existing XML file and save it. It seem pretty easy
and straight forward but it fails because (I assume) the xml document
lists a schema location that I do not have access to.

My code: (testing purposes)

xmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

doc.Load(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Gina\Desktop\test1.xml");
XmlNodeList nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//Order");

foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)

But apparently since it can't find the schema I get zero nodes. (If I
remove the schemalocation line from the XML file that all is happy)

snipit from xml file:

<Order xmlns="http://www.abc.com/xml/Order"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.abc.com/xml/Order.xsd Order.xsd"
CustomerID="MyCust" orderDate="2006-11-13" OrderID="8704356">

For example I would like to change the OrderID.

Can I move forward without the validation?

If I can get a copy of the xsd can I put it locally on my machine and
have it use that instead?


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