XML code int ms wrd 2000



Hi all,
I have a document in MS word where I have some frames with XML code.
Do You have an idea how can I highlight this XML code ,like it is in
regular xml editors ??


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

I have a document in MS word where I have some frames with XML code.
Do You have an idea how can I highlight this XML code ,like it is in
regular xml editors ??

With the highlighter, but then this is a lot of manual work. You could
also make a screenshot of the code shown in a real XML editor.



With the highlighter, but then this is a lot of manual work. You could
also make a screenshot of the code shown in a real XML editor.

for sure it is a solution but not realy good one! I was thinking about
something more profesional but anyway thanks for reply.

Any more ideas ??

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

for sure it is a solution but not realy good one! I was thinking about
something more profesional but anyway thanks for reply.

I'm not aware of any add-ins that support your need in Word. The fact
that there _are_ a lot of text editors out there which already do what
you want suggests that you might be better off using a different product.

If you want/need to stick with Word, well: you don't have to resort to
screen shots, you could also print to file with a PostScript printer,
process the result into an EPS file, insert that into Word and print the
document through a PS printer ---> no pixel artifacts.

Or you can look for an existing Add-In that already suits your needs. I
have no idea whether such a thing exists (doubt it, frankly: Word is not
really a text editor, and again the abundance of existing XML editors
which do have syntax highlighting suggest that there's not much need for
that kind of thing in Word).

Or you can try to program your own Syntax highligther in VBA or .Net (or
higher an experienced programmer to do it for you).


Pawel Paprocki

Thank You for Reply
To sumarize everything, I don't need word to write XML code but just
writing a document where I want to include some code and could be great
if it could be higlighted.
About add-ons to word, I found something but it doesn't work with my
version of word or I am doing something wrong during instalation.

Anyway realy thanks for help


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