XLB file size growing




Using Excel 2000 on Win XP pro and the file excel.xlb is growing each time I
start and close Excel. The size started at 27kb but is now over 2mb. I'm
not making any changes when loading and have several add-ins which I think
is normal.

The same happens if I delete the excel.xlb file and let Excel create another
when closing down.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Rob

Dave Peterson

I think you'd have to know the inner workings of excel to know why it's
growing. And even if you had that knowledge, I'm not sure if you could stop it
from happening. (But I've never seen the .xlb file grow that big or that fast!)

I'd suggest that you delete the *.xlb file, then recreate it so that you like

Then close excel and back up that new pristine *.xlb file. When you notice that
the file is growing, just copy the backup to the correct location (overwriting
the one that's out of control).

In fact, you may want to set up a small bat file to do this. Then put a
shortcut on the desktop. Click it every so often (with excel closed).


Do you add/delete things from your toolbar--either manually or via code? That
could be why it's growing.



Thanks, like the bat file idea. Usually I amend toolbar as and when
required manually but don't do it every time I load Excel. Perhaps a bat
file could overwrite the excel.xla file and start Excel in one go? I'll
look for some code.

Thanks, Rob

Dave Peterson

excel.xla = excel.xlb????

This worked ok for me (saved as a .bat file):

REM ==============
copy "C:\myBackups\excel11.xlb" "C:\Documents and Settings\David
Peterson\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART"

start excel

REM =================

That Copy command was all one line (no line breaks).


Thanks Dave, worked a treat. Rob

Dave Peterson said:
excel.xla = excel.xlb????

This worked ok for me (saved as a .bat file):

REM ==============
copy "C:\myBackups\excel11.xlb" "C:\Documents and Settings\David
Peterson\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART"

start excel

REM =================

That Copy command was all one line (no line breaks).

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