XL2000 Pivot Table Specifications



I am trying to understand the limtiations of XL2000 Pivot Tables but am
getting very confused. This could stem from the way the terminlogy is used
from one source of definitions to another. In the Excel help (Office
Assistant) it says the maximum number of Items in a Pivot Table report is
8,000. Yet, when I read the on-line article
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/211517/) it says the number of unique Items
per row, column or page field is 8,000. So, is the maximum number of all
row, coumn and page fields 8,000 or is it 8,000 each?

Then the article says, the maximum number of items in all column fields
cannot exceed 32,768. And the maximum number of items in all row fields
cannot exceed 2.1 billion. Whath appened to the 8,000 item limit?

Could someone please clarify this for me?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Sean Timmons

If you read the entire support doc in your post, it states the following:

The product of the number of items in all column fields in a PivotTable
cannot exceed 32,768. For example, assume you create a PivotTable that
contains five column fields. The fields contain 10, 5, 2, 40, and 3 items
respectively. The product of these values is 10 x 5 x 2 x 40 x 3, or 12,000.

This is for column fields and how many items can be in the column field in
total across.


There is a limit of 8,000 unique items per row field, column field, or page
field. If you try to drop a field into your PivotTable that exceeds this
limit, the field will not be added to the PivotTable, and you may receive the
following warning message:

Is how many items you can have per field.

So, if you have 1 field with 8000 different values, you are at limit. But
you can have thousands and thousands of fields. So, you have 10 fields with
8000 items each, you have 80000 total items. You are good. Same goes for
colums as rows.

Make sense?


The product of the number of items in all row fields in a PivotTable cannot
exceed 2^31 (2 raised to the 31st power), or approximately 2.1 billion items.
The same logic that applies to column fields also applies to row fields.

this is the number of items allowed in the row field, going down.


Thanks Sean. So, if I understand it all correctly, you can have any number
of row or column fields but the maximum number of items in each of those
field is 8,000? And you cannot have more than 32,768 items across all
columns or more than 2.1 billion items down all fields? I'm interpretting
these "items" as elements of data?


Sean Timmons

Pretty much any number. Course, you only go 1 million rows down and about
that many across, so there's a limitation there. :)

and yes, elements of data may have been a more understandable term.

Honestly, if you ever get close to these limitations, you probably should be
working in Access.

Hope you ave great fun with your pivoting!

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