XL 2000: automating drag-and-drop for worksheet ranges. Using Code!


Dan P

I'm afraid I haven't clue how to answer your question.
Only responding because a) it's been hanging around, and
b) your OP is close to one I posted to which someone has
been good enough to answer (namely Tom Ogilvy).

So, my suggestion is to elaborate on your ultimate
Eg why do you want to automate Worksheet drag & drop. If
it’s about move/copy ranges with mouse, events would be
triggered on select and change if you need to trap these.
Or maybe it concerns move/resize objects. Hopefully if you
explain a little more someone far more expert might
suggest an alternative approach.

Good luck,

Myrna Larson

I think what you are asking is impossible. "Click, Hold, and Drag" already is assigned to a
function: extending the selection.

Even if you could implement this, I wouldn't recommend it unless your users never use Excel for
anything other than your application, or for that matter, any other Windows apps. Click, Hold
and Drag extends the selection in every other Windows app that I can think of. So you're really
trying to change some fundamental Windows behavior.

As far as controlling what users can and can't do, doesn't protecting the worksheet give you the
control you need?

Another option would be to get all user input via Forms and not allow the user to manipulate the
worksheet at all.

Bill Garcia

Come on this is a computer, only limits are those which we
put on them. If you tell me that is a limitation of the
application I aggree, except this is an OLE app.

As far as the users never using excel for anything else or
fundamental windows functionality. I take advantage of
this seemingly fundamental behaviour, for the average
user, but we control the behaviour.

I'm only trying to achieve a mode, a state, nothing that
couldn't be restored by simply reseting the app on
sheet_change event. Totaly outside of the operating system.

Thanks for the help.
-----Original Message-----
I think what you are asking is impossible. "Click, Hold,
and Drag" already is assigned to a
function: extending the selection.

Even if you could implement this, I wouldn't recommend it
unless your users never use Excel for
anything other than your application, or for that matter,
any other Windows apps. Click, Hold
and Drag extends the selection in every other Windows app
that I can think of. So you're really
trying to change some fundamental Windows behavior.

As far as controlling what users can and can't do,
doesn't protecting the worksheet give you the
control you need?

Another option would be to get all user input via Forms
and not allow the user to manipulate the
worksheet at all.

Myrna Larson

I'm only trying to achieve a mode, a state, nothing that
couldn't be restored by simply reseting the app on
sheet_change event.

Except that Excel wasn't programmed to behave this way. I that's what you want, I think you'll
have to program it yourself, "from the ground up", outside of Excel.

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