WXPe target can not connect to SQL server



We have designed a CF based (EWF, headless) XPE.
Our customer has a VC++ application with an SQL server on the lan.
The application run correctly on a WPpro hard drive.
The low level connection is ok (ping, telnet, remote desktop).
The DHCP an DNS server is also OK.

But we can not connect to the SQL sever... Something is missing??



Matt Kellner \(MS\)

Hi Caribou. Could you please provide more information about your target
machine's configuration, both hardware and software? Does the VC++
application provide its own means to connect to the SQL server? (In other
words, on an XP Pro system, does it work by itself, or do you have to
install any other software such as the .NET Framework or any SQL-related
components in order for the application to connect to the SQL server?)

What is the nature of the failure to connect to the SQL server? Do you get
any specific error messages or error codes when you try to connect? Does
the application run at all in the target runtime? Also, what service-pack
level is your XPE system (SP1 or SP2)?

Depending on the type of failure, this may be either a problem with a
missing dependency, or it may also be a networking issue. Please let me
know how I can be of assistance.

Matt Kellner ([email protected])
STE, Windows Embedded Group

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