Wrong size font in all non-microsoft applications' windows



Hi there,

I'm hoping someone can help me sort out this terribly annoying problem that
I have with my fonts. Basically, I recently reistalled XP and all of my
programs, but when copying over my files and settings (manually) from my old
system to the new one, I mistakingly copied my old Font folder into the new
one. I tried to undo what I had done but can't!

The result is that all of the small (non-resizable) 'pop up' windows from
all of my non-microsoft applications have a huge font which doesn't allow me
access to most information/buttons. I am talking about windows for printer
options, soundcard control panel and from Steinberg's Wavelab, Digidesign Pro
Tools and various others. Strangely, the font in these windows in the
Clavia Nord G2 Modular editor is tiny (smaller than usual) instead!

I have since tried a variety of things to remedy the situation, but have
only made the matter worse... the font is even bigger now! But I think at
least that this means that the problem is font related. It is definitely
not anything to do with themes.

Please help... I need to access the functions on these panels that aren't
fitting in the small windows.

R. McCarty

Did you try a System Restore. System fonts are part of Microsoft XP's
Windows File Protection. When you delete a protected Font, XP will
quietly in the background replace it from the DllCache or the original
media. You might want to try a SFC / Scannow - which initiates a full
scan of system files and replaces any that aren't the correct revision.


Unless you want to sit there and spend tons of time finding all the windows
xp fonts in the .cab files trying to find all the fonts and extracting them
and replacing them.. Then just reinstall windows again and start fresh. It
would be much better thing to do that way you are sure you have all fonts and
don't have any headaches later on down the road from this either.


Kemco IT Professional


Thanks for the replies.

It has taken me 2 weeks to install all of my programs/drivers and updates
and settings and copy my files already and I'd really prefer not to have to
do it again. All I need is to be able to delete the extra fonts that I
copied (by mistake), but at the moment it just says 'access denied'. There
must be a way! I have found a list of the default XP fonts so I can find
out which are the 'rogue' ones easily enough.

Someone must know how to do this... I'm hoping! I'm working on a degree
course at the moment and I just don't have the time to reinstall everything

Unfortunately, my system restore only has points for the last few days and
I've had this problem for longer than that!

R. McCarty

Copy the "Existing" Fonts folder to another backup location. Boot the
PC to Safe Mode. Use Explorer (View Hidden, System, Protected) &
navigate to the Windows folder - Locate Fonts, Right Click it. When
the details box opens, Click Security (TAB) in the Group or Users add
Administrator, afterwards click the Full Control check box, then Apply,
OK - Now you should be able to delete most all the installed Fonts.
WFP should immediately start to re-populate the folder, But I've not
done it in Safe Mode so it might require a boot into normal mode for
the replacement to run. This is an 8.7 on the 10 point "Shoot Yourself
in the foot" rankings so be careful. If you get it back on it's legs, go get
yourself an Imaging program. ~$50 and 30 minutes a week will keep
you from getting backed in this type of corner in the future.


Thanks R. McCarty,

I've managed to delete a load of 'rouge' fonts and the size has now come
back down to what it was before I made it worse... so, still too big, but

I'm going to try to delete all but the minimum that windows needs now and
reinstall some if neccessary later.


Well, no luck there! I deleted all but tahoma and trebuchet and the font
size in the control panels is still too big!! I don't get it! Any ideas

Uncle Joe

"Grasping at straws" category: You've deleted fonts you
didn't want/need. Have you (1) emptied the Rycle Bin,
and (2) rebooted your PC since making the font deletions?
Try these two steps and see if they make a difference.


Uncle Joe,

the answer is yes and yes. And no, no solution, I'm afraid. I've been
trying to fix this for too long now! Banging my head against a brick
wall!!! Any last suggestions before I take the plunge of a whole new
install??? Please, anyone?


I've also reinstalled my graphics card drivers and software and reinstalled
all the fonts, still all to no avail! Argghhhhh!

R. McCarty

Have you tried creating a new user and logging into that account ?
It could be that the Fonts issue is profile specific. I would try that
and if no success, then maybe consider a clean setup. Other than
that, you might toggle the current Theme, logout and then reset it
back to the default Windows Theme. Sorry, that the fonts purging
didn't get things sorted out.


What data do you show in these two registry keys:
NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes\MS Shell Dlg

NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes\MS ShellDlg2



Thanks Morris,

it says Tahoma for both of those, which is what it should be I think.


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