Wrong From address (OL 2003)



Outlook 2003 SP-1 on Windows XP SP-2. Internet only version.

Just this morning, Outlook has started to malfunction in a most peculiar
way, using the wrong From address on my e-mails.

I have six accounts in Outlook, named G1, G2, G3, C1, C2 C3. My default
is G1.

When I write a new e-mail using G1, or respond to an e-mail sent to G1,
the From address is shown as that from account C1. In fact, I have tried
writing e-mails from different accounts and on all but one occasion it
used the From address associated with account C1 (no idea what was
different about that one message, sorry; will keep investigating).

I even changed the From address for account C1 and then Outlook used the
new C1 entry in messages sent from other accounts.

Am scanning for viruses, but I am 99.9% sure I don't have any.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially I have just sent out a dozen
e-mails using a completely unsuitable address :(

Thank you, very much.



Outlook 2003 SP-1 on Windows XP SP-2. Internet only version.

Just this morning, Outlook has started to malfunction in a most peculiar
way, using the wrong From address on my e-mails.

I have six accounts in Outlook, named G1, G2, G3, C1, C2 C3. My default
is G1.

When I write a new e-mail using G1, or respond to an e-mail sent to G1,
the From address is shown as that from account C1. In fact, I have
tried writing e-mails from different accounts and on all but one
occasion it used the From address associated with account C1 (no idea
what was different about that one message, sorry; will keep

I even changed the From address for account C1 and then Outlook used the
new C1 entry in messages sent from other accounts.

Am scanning for viruses, but I am 99.9% sure I don't have any.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially I have just sent out a
dozen e-mails using a completely unsuitable address :(

Thank you, very much.


Interesting. I just loaded my default account into Opera and tried to
send an e-mail. I received the following error:

Internal error [554 Service unavailable; Client host [162.83.X.X] blocked
using sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org; http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=162.83.X.X]

So, this IP address (assigned dynamically when I connected through DSL)
has probably in the past been used by a spammer or a spamming worm and was
subsequently listed via Spamhaus.

The first 3 accounts (G1, G2, G3) are on the same server, which is
blocking access from this IP address. Outlook, I suspect, is trying to
send the message by cycling through the accounts. C1, which is associated
with a different mail server entirely (one with secure ports), is the
first that allows the message to be despatched.

Is this plausible? Unfortunately, I cannot test this as my ISP keeps
assigning the same IP address!


I'd be very surprised if this were the case.

I had no idea, but it seemed that this is what it was doing. I managed to
secure a different IP address and it was fine. Also, this logic fits all
my observations - for example, when I changed the order of the accounts,
it used the first account which was not on the troublesome server.

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