Wrong dateformat MM-dd-yyyy instead of yyyy-MM-dd



All applications showing dates (Outlook, Excel and other
third party programs) shows wrong dateformat. We're in
Sweden so dateformat should be yyyy-MM-dd (ex. 2003-10-28
for October 28:th 2003) but it shows up MM-dd-yyyy

We've made sure to enforce this settings on all users by
using a GPO and apply it to all users under
Administrative Templates -> Control Panel -> Regional and
Language Options and choosing Swedish. This works since
all users have Swedish selected. We've also check the
registrykey HKCU\Control Panel\International\sShortDate
is set to yyyy-MM-dd. If you select another language,
let's say Enligsh in the Internaional setting under
Control Panel locally on the machine and logou/login it
does change it back to Swedish and the settings get
corrected in Oulook etc. But we don't want to ask all our
users to do this manually. We're running Windows XP
Swedish on all clients and Windows 2003 Standard Server
English on all DC:s.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Steven Liu [MSFT]


You can use Logon script to let all user to run the registry file.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International]
"sLongDate"="'den 'd MMMM yyyy"
"sThousand"=" "

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo]


This will change the client settings.

Thanks for using Microsoft News Group!


Steven Liu

Microsoft Online Partner Support

MCSE 2000

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security

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Thanks! It works!

I guess this is a known problem or is it just us?

Another followup to this question is that we have enabled
the policy "Prevent access to registry editing tools" for
our users and if they try to run a .reg-file it means
they cannot even import it to their registry (eventhough
it only contains one key in HKCU). If we enable them to
use registry tools they can successfully import the
registryfile. They are not local administrators, but
still shouldn't they be able to add registryfiles that
just changes the HKCU eventhough we have prevented them
from using regedit.exe? Any ideas?

Steven Liu [MSFT]


We can try to compose the vbs file to change the registry.

dim sKey,sValue,shell

Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

sKey="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\iCountry"

Shell.RegWrite sKey, sValue, "REG_SZ"

' String REG_SZ
' Integer REG_DWORD
' Integer REG_BINARY


The behavior is not a bug. The group policy can't change all settings of
the client.

Thanks for using Microsoft News Group!


Steven Liu

Microsoft Online Partner Support

MCSE 2000

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security

This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

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