Wrong data in commandargument after applying rowfilter




I have a problem gettting the right data in my CommandArgument after I
applyed a rowfilter.

My template column looks somewhat like this:

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="ErrorID">
<HeaderStyle Width="30%" CssClass="folderHeader"></HeaderStyle>
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.MyId") %>' CommandName="Details" CommandArgument='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.MyId") %>'
CausesValidation="false" ID="lnkbtnDetails">

First I bind my datagrid to the datatables default view and everything
works fine. When clicking an item, I get the right ID

Then I apply a rowfilter on the dataview and bind again to the

lDv.RowFilter = "SiteId = " & txtSiteID.Text
dtgItems.DataSource = lDv

Now I get only a few items but when clicking details on, for instance
the second item, in the CommandArgument I get the id from the second
item on the default view and not the second item from the the filtered

Any ideas?


Grant Merwitz

How are you retrieving this value from your code behind?

I gather you are using the ItemCommand event.

Just check that you are not getting the ItemIndex instead of the ItemId

So in your case, rather use:

Ctype(e.Item.FindControls("lnkbtnDetails"), LinkButton).Text (this may
be slightly wrong as i'm a c# coder)



I also see you are trying to pass this as a COmmandArgument.
Have you checked what the value 'MyId' is placing in your source (through



wouldn't work with Ctype(e.Item.FindControls("lnk­btnDetails"),
LinkButton).Text since I was only using the same id value as text for
demonstration purposes.

Anyways, I sorted it out.

I am using paging on my grid and therefore needed to set datasource -
even on postback. Unfortunately I also did databinding on postback
which caused my event not to work properly. I changed it, so now I set
the grids datasource on all posts but only do the databinding if it's
not postback. Seems to make both my paging and events work :)


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