Writing to a text file


Rachel Curran

I'm attempting to understand this code, it was written by several
people and now I have to try and amend it: the code is:

Dim meWorkbook As Workbook
Dim inputInvoiceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim totalrateval, totalactualNI, actNIcol As Integer

Private Static Sub cbInvoiceBrowse_Click()
Dim processingDir As Range

If processingDir Is Nothing Then
Set processingDir = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B5")
End If

'On Error GoTo cancelFileSelect
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Select input invoice..."
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename = processingDir.value & "*.xls"


Me.tbFilename.Text = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename
processingDir.value = VBA.Left(Me.tbFilename.Text,
VBA.InStrRev(Me.tbFilename.Text, "\"))
End Sub

Private Sub cbOpen_Click()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim isCPC As Boolean

Set inputInvoiceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(tbFilename.Text)

For Each sheet In inputInvoiceWorkbook.Sheets
Me.lbSheetSelect.AddItem (sheet.Name)
If meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B6").value Then
' If invoiceEngine.checkCPC(sheet) Then
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 1
' End If
End If
Next sheet
' temp test with being able to cpc regardless of if we think we have
cpc data.
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True

Me.cbProcess.Enabled = True
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = True
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cbxSupplier_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCleanse_Click()
Dim index As Integer
Dim sheetName As String

If Me.tbInvoiceNumber = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter 'Batch Number' before pressing " &
GoTo fail
End If

invoiceEngine.setCPCRate (VBA.val(Me.tbCPCRate.value))

index = 0
While index < Me.lbSheetSelect.ListCount
If Me.lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) Then
sheetName = Me.lbSheetSelect.List(index)
Me.lbSheetSelect.RemoveItem index
Me.tbSheetName.Text = sheetName
cleanse_sheet inputInvoiceWorkbook, sheetName,
index = index + 1
End If

Dim Msg, Style, Title, response
Msg = "Do you want to save cleansed sheet and Continue ?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbSystemModal + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "Sheet(s) Cleansed."
response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbYes Then
'save cleansed file
Dim sheet As Worksheet
inputInvoiceWorkbook.SaveAs inputInvoiceWorkbook.Path &
"\CLEANSED_" & " " & inputInvoiceWorkbook.Name '& Me.tbInvoiceNumber
'refresh sheet list box
For Each sheet In inputInvoiceWorkbook.Sheets
Me.lbSheetSelect.AddItem (sheet.Name)
If meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B6").value Then
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
End If
Next sheet
Me.cbProcess.Enabled = True
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = True
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = True
'close file
'exit form
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
alertstatus = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = alertstatus
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbProcess_Click()
Dim index As Integer
Dim sheetName As String

' Disable some of the buttons
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = False
' Me.cbRateBrowse.Enabled = False
Me.cbInvoiceBrowse.Enabled = False
' Set busy cursor
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass

' check if we have an invoice number - fail if not
If Me.tbInvoiceNumber = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter 'Batch Number' before pressing " &
GoTo fail
End If

'set odbc lookup connect data
If Not ODBCLookupModule.initializeDb(Me.txtDSN, Me.txtUserId,
Me.txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "Failed to initialise lookup database."
GoTo fail
End If

' set VAT rate (just in case)
invoiceEngine.setVatRate (VBA.val(Me.tbVAT.value))
invoiceEngine.setCPCRate (VBA.val(Me.tbCPCRate.value))

invoiceEngine.setSupplier (Me.cbxSupplier.value)
invoiceEngine.setInvType (Me.cbxType.value)
invoiceEngine.setBatchNo (Me.tbInvoiceNumber)

' Create output wb & files
createOutputWorkbook meWorkbook, Me.xbMargin.value, Me.xbCPCExport
'If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
Replace(meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B7").value, "#", _
'End If

' tell process to get on with it for all the selected sheets
index = 0
While index < Me.lbSheetSelect.ListCount
If Me.lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) Then
sheetName = Me.lbSheetSelect.List(index)
Me.lbSheetSelect.RemoveItem index
Me.tbSheetName.Text = sheetName
invoiceEngine.process_sheet inputInvoiceWorkbook,
sheetName, _
Me.xbCPCExport.value, Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value
index = index + 1
End If

' Tidy GUI
Me.tbSheetName.Text = "<<COMPLETED - SAVE>>"
Me.cbSaveAs.Enabled = True
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault

End Sub

Sub ProgressBar(percent As Integer)
ProgressBar1.value = percent
End Sub

Private Sub cbRateBrowse_Click()
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Select lookup workbook..."


Me.tbRateFilename.Text = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename

cbOpen.Default = True
End Sub

Private Sub cbProcess_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

End Sub

Private Sub cbSelectAll_Click()
Dim index As Integer

For index = 0 To lbSheetSelect.ListCount - 1
lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) = True
Next index
End Sub

Private Sub cbUnselectAll_Click()
Dim index As Integer

For index = 0 To lbSheetSelect.ListCount - 1
lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) = False
Next index
End Sub

Private Sub tbFilename_Change()
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Static Sub cbSaveAs_Click()
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
Dim msgResponse As Integer
Dim saveDir As Range
Dim wbFilename As String
Dim marginWBFilename As String
Dim emailAddress As String

emailAddress = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B11")

If saveDir Is Nothing Then
Set saveDir = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B8")
End If

If errorLog.numberErrors > 0 Then
msgResponse = MsgBox("ProCur Invoice workbook has errors saved
in error tab, save error tab?", vbYesNoCancel)
If (msgResponse = vbNo) Then
ElseIf msgResponse = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Choose filename to save ProCur
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename = saveDir.value & "OUTPUT_" & _
VBA.InStrRev(Me.tbFilename.value, "\") + 1) 'Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value
& " "
wbFilename = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename

' must do this before errorlog.exitErrorLog !!!!
'If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
cpcExport.exitCPCExport (errorLog.numberErrors = 0),
'End If

' Inc invoice number (must unlock while doing that)
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
' Save and close new workbook
' close error log sheet before saving

saveDir.value = VBA.Left(wbFilename, VBA.InStrRev(wbFilename,
marginWBFilename = saveDir.value & "MARGIN_" & VBA.Mid(wbFilename,
VBA.InStrRev(wbFilename, "\") + 1)
saveOutputWorkbook wbFilename, marginWBFilename,
Me.tbFilename.Text, Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Text

If Me.xbCPCExport Then
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value = Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value + 1
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = True
End If

' We're done so hide me
End Sub

Private Static Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim firstActiveWorkbook As Workbook
If firstActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
Set firstActiveWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
End If
Set meWorkbook = firstActiveWorkbook
Dim Version

'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VERSION @@@@@
Const InternalVersion As String = "1.7.10 (Beta)"
'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VERSION @@@@@

Version = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B9").value
If Version <> InternalVersion Then
MsgBox "I think I'm version " & InternalVersion & " but
Version in Data sheet is " & Version & ". Cannot Continue"
Exit Sub
End If

Me.Caption = "ProCur Invoice Processor v" & InternalVersion

Me.tbFilename.value = ""
Me.cbSaveAs.Enabled = False
Me.cbProcess.Enabled = False
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = False
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = False
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = False
Me.cbInvoiceBrowse.Enabled = True
Me.txtDSN = "Prod"
Me.txtUserId = "**hidden***"
Me.txtPassword = "**hidden****"
Me.ProgressBar1.value = 0

frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 1
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 0
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = False

If cbxType.ListCount < 1 Then
cbxType.AddItem "OB"
cbxType.AddItem "CPC"
cbxType.AddItem "ST"
cbxType.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
cbxType.BoundColumn = 1
cbxType.ListIndex = 0
cbxType.Enabled = True

Dim supRow As Integer
supRow = 13
Do While meWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Cells(supRow, 11).value
<> ""
meWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Cells(supRow, 11).value
supRow = supRow + 1
cbxSupplier.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
cbxSupplier.BoundColumn = 1
cbxSupplier.ListIndex = 0
cbxSupplier.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbCancel_Click()
Dim msgResponse As Integer

msgResponse = MsgBox("Close Invoice Processing Macro (All
processed sheets will be lost)?", vbYesNo)
If (msgResponse = vbYes) Then
If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
cpcExport.exitCPCExport False, ""
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Hide()
Me.tbSheetName.Text = ""
' done with input workbook
End Sub

Sub closeInputInvoiceWorkbook()
On Error GoTo fail
If Not (inputInvoiceWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
alertstatus = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set inputInvoiceWorkbook = Nothing
Application.DisplayAlerts = alertstatus
End If
End Sub

Private Sub xbCPCExport_Change()
If Not (meWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
If xbCPCExport.value Then
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.ControlSource = "'[" & meWorkbook.Name
& "]Data'!B10"
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
'Me.tbInvoiceNumber.MousePointer = fmMousePointerNoDrop
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value = ""
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.ControlSource = ""
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
End If
End If
End Sub

Somehow this code (or maybe you need all the relevant code) cleanses a
particular spreadsheet, then outputs 3 more spreadsheets and a csv
file. The csv file data is compiled of the input spreadsheet and also
lookup into a Oracle database for certain values and then writes them
to a csv file. I need to know how it wrires to the csv file so I can
add other fields to the csv file.

Please help



Myrna Larson

If it's written to a CSV file by Excel, there's only one line needed to do
that, and it should contain the SaveAs command. Search the code for SaveAs and
see what you find.

If that's the method used, you don't add fields when writing the file. Excel
automatically saves the entire worksheet. To add more data to the file, you
would have to copy that data to the worksheet being saved.

I'm attempting to understand this code, it was written by several
people and now I have to try and amend it: the code is:

Dim meWorkbook As Workbook
Dim inputInvoiceWorkbook As Workbook
Dim totalrateval, totalactualNI, actNIcol As Integer

Private Static Sub cbInvoiceBrowse_Click()
Dim processingDir As Range

If processingDir Is Nothing Then
Set processingDir = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B5")
End If

'On Error GoTo cancelFileSelect
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Select input invoice..."
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename = processingDir.value & "*.xls"


Me.tbFilename.Text = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename
processingDir.value = VBA.Left(Me.tbFilename.Text,
VBA.InStrRev(Me.tbFilename.Text, "\"))
End Sub

Private Sub cbOpen_Click()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim isCPC As Boolean

Set inputInvoiceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(tbFilename.Text)

For Each sheet In inputInvoiceWorkbook.Sheets
Me.lbSheetSelect.AddItem (sheet.Name)
If meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B6").value Then
' If invoiceEngine.checkCPC(sheet) Then
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 1
' End If
End If
Next sheet
' temp test with being able to cpc regardless of if we think we have
cpc data.
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True

Me.cbProcess.Enabled = True
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = True
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cbxSupplier_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCleanse_Click()
Dim index As Integer
Dim sheetName As String

If Me.tbInvoiceNumber = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter 'Batch Number' before pressing " &
GoTo fail
End If

invoiceEngine.setCPCRate (VBA.val(Me.tbCPCRate.value))

index = 0
While index < Me.lbSheetSelect.ListCount
If Me.lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) Then
sheetName = Me.lbSheetSelect.List(index)
Me.lbSheetSelect.RemoveItem index
Me.tbSheetName.Text = sheetName
cleanse_sheet inputInvoiceWorkbook, sheetName,
index = index + 1
End If

Dim Msg, Style, Title, response
Msg = "Do you want to save cleansed sheet and Continue ?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbSystemModal + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "Sheet(s) Cleansed."
response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbYes Then
'save cleansed file
Dim sheet As Worksheet
inputInvoiceWorkbook.SaveAs inputInvoiceWorkbook.Path &
"\CLEANSED_" & " " & inputInvoiceWorkbook.Name '& Me.tbInvoiceNumber
'refresh sheet list box
For Each sheet In inputInvoiceWorkbook.Sheets
Me.lbSheetSelect.AddItem (sheet.Name)
If meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B6").value Then
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
End If
Next sheet
Me.cbProcess.Enabled = True
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = True
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = True
'close file
'exit form
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
alertstatus = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = alertstatus
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbProcess_Click()
Dim index As Integer
Dim sheetName As String

' Disable some of the buttons
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = False
' Me.cbRateBrowse.Enabled = False
Me.cbInvoiceBrowse.Enabled = False
' Set busy cursor
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass

' check if we have an invoice number - fail if not
If Me.tbInvoiceNumber = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter 'Batch Number' before pressing " &
GoTo fail
End If

'set odbc lookup connect data
If Not ODBCLookupModule.initializeDb(Me.txtDSN, Me.txtUserId,
Me.txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "Failed to initialise lookup database."
GoTo fail
End If

' set VAT rate (just in case)
invoiceEngine.setVatRate (VBA.val(Me.tbVAT.value))
invoiceEngine.setCPCRate (VBA.val(Me.tbCPCRate.value))

invoiceEngine.setSupplier (Me.cbxSupplier.value)
invoiceEngine.setInvType (Me.cbxType.value)
invoiceEngine.setBatchNo (Me.tbInvoiceNumber)

' Create output wb & files
createOutputWorkbook meWorkbook, Me.xbMargin.value, Me.xbCPCExport
'If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
Replace(meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B7").value, "#", _
'End If

' tell process to get on with it for all the selected sheets
index = 0
While index < Me.lbSheetSelect.ListCount
If Me.lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) Then
sheetName = Me.lbSheetSelect.List(index)
Me.lbSheetSelect.RemoveItem index
Me.tbSheetName.Text = sheetName
invoiceEngine.process_sheet inputInvoiceWorkbook,
sheetName, _
Me.xbCPCExport.value, Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value
index = index + 1
End If

' Tidy GUI
Me.tbSheetName.Text = "<<COMPLETED - SAVE>>"
Me.cbSaveAs.Enabled = True
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault

End Sub

Sub ProgressBar(percent As Integer)
ProgressBar1.value = percent
End Sub

Private Sub cbRateBrowse_Click()
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Select lookup workbook..."


Me.tbRateFilename.Text = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename

cbOpen.Default = True
End Sub

Private Sub cbProcess_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

End Sub

Private Sub cbSelectAll_Click()
Dim index As Integer

For index = 0 To lbSheetSelect.ListCount - 1
lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) = True
Next index
End Sub

Private Sub cbUnselectAll_Click()
Dim index As Integer

For index = 0 To lbSheetSelect.ListCount - 1
lbSheetSelect.Selected(index) = False
Next index
End Sub

Private Sub tbFilename_Change()
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Static Sub cbSaveAs_Click()
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
Dim msgResponse As Integer
Dim saveDir As Range
Dim wbFilename As String
Dim marginWBFilename As String
Dim emailAddress As String

emailAddress = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B11")

If saveDir Is Nothing Then
Set saveDir = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B8")
End If

If errorLog.numberErrors > 0 Then
msgResponse = MsgBox("ProCur Invoice workbook has errors saved
in error tab, save error tab?", vbYesNoCancel)
If (msgResponse = vbNo) Then
ElseIf msgResponse = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

dlgFile.dbFileOpen.DialogTitle = "Choose filename to save ProCur
dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename = saveDir.value & "OUTPUT_" & _
VBA.InStrRev(Me.tbFilename.value, "\") + 1) 'Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value
& " "
wbFilename = dlgFile.dbFileOpen.filename

' must do this before errorlog.exitErrorLog !!!!
'If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
cpcExport.exitCPCExport (errorLog.numberErrors = 0),
'End If

' Inc invoice number (must unlock while doing that)
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
' Save and close new workbook
' close error log sheet before saving

saveDir.value = VBA.Left(wbFilename, VBA.InStrRev(wbFilename,
marginWBFilename = saveDir.value & "MARGIN_" & VBA.Mid(wbFilename,
VBA.InStrRev(wbFilename, "\") + 1)
saveOutputWorkbook wbFilename, marginWBFilename,
Me.tbFilename.Text, Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Text

If Me.xbCPCExport Then
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value = Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value + 1
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = True
End If

' We're done so hide me
End Sub

Private Static Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim firstActiveWorkbook As Workbook
If firstActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
Set firstActiveWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
End If
Set meWorkbook = firstActiveWorkbook
Dim Version

'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VERSION @@@@@
Const InternalVersion As String = "1.7.10 (Beta)"
'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ VERSION @@@@@

Version = meWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B9").value
If Version <> InternalVersion Then
MsgBox "I think I'm version " & InternalVersion & " but
Version in Data sheet is " & Version & ". Cannot Continue"
Exit Sub
End If

Me.Caption = "ProCur Invoice Processor v" & InternalVersion

Me.tbFilename.value = ""
Me.cbSaveAs.Enabled = False
Me.cbProcess.Enabled = False
Me.cbSelectAll.Enabled = False
Me.cbUnselectAll.Enabled = False
Me.cbOpen.Enabled = False
Me.cbInvoiceBrowse.Enabled = True
Me.txtDSN = "Prod"
Me.txtUserId = "**hidden***"
Me.txtPassword = "**hidden****"
Me.ProgressBar1.value = 0

frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 1
'frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = True
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.value = 0
frmInvoiceProcessor.xbCPCExport.Enabled = False

If cbxType.ListCount < 1 Then
cbxType.AddItem "OB"
cbxType.AddItem "CPC"
cbxType.AddItem "ST"
cbxType.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
cbxType.BoundColumn = 1
cbxType.ListIndex = 0
cbxType.Enabled = True

Dim supRow As Integer
supRow = 13
Do While meWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Cells(supRow, 11).value
<> ""
meWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Cells(supRow, 11).value
supRow = supRow + 1
cbxSupplier.Style = fmStyleDropDownList
cbxSupplier.BoundColumn = 1
cbxSupplier.ListIndex = 0
cbxSupplier.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cbCancel_Click()
Dim msgResponse As Integer

msgResponse = MsgBox("Close Invoice Processing Macro (All
processed sheets will be lost)?", vbYesNo)
If (msgResponse = vbYes) Then
If Me.xbCPCExport.value Then
cpcExport.exitCPCExport False, ""
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Hide()
Me.tbSheetName.Text = ""
' done with input workbook
End Sub

Sub closeInputInvoiceWorkbook()
On Error GoTo fail
If Not (inputInvoiceWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
Dim alertstatus As Boolean
alertstatus = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set inputInvoiceWorkbook = Nothing
Application.DisplayAlerts = alertstatus
End If
End Sub

Private Sub xbCPCExport_Change()
If Not (meWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
If xbCPCExport.value Then
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.ControlSource = "'[" & meWorkbook.Name
& "]Data'!B10"
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
'Me.tbInvoiceNumber.MousePointer = fmMousePointerNoDrop
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.value = ""
' Me.tbInvoiceNumber.ControlSource = ""
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.Locked = False
Me.tbInvoiceNumber.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
End If
End If
End Sub

Somehow this code (or maybe you need all the relevant code) cleanses a
particular spreadsheet, then outputs 3 more spreadsheets and a csv
file. The csv file data is compiled of the input spreadsheet and also
lookup into a Oracle database for certain values and then writes them
to a csv file. I need to know how it wrires to the csv file so I can
add other fields to the csv file.

Please help



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