Writing commas & quotes to flat-file?



I have a string with commas & quotes in it. I need to be able to output that
to a flat-file, while maintaining the text intact. For example, the line:

testdata1 = "hello there","basketball"

is written out as:

testdata1 = "hello there"

I need the line to remain as it is, rather than being parsed into separate
records. I've tried Print #, Write #, and put #, all to no avail. Any ideas?
(BTW, please ignore the bad syntax in the example line; it's just for show.)

Access 2002.


John Nurick

Hi Dennis,

This line

testdata1 = "hello there","basketball"

won't compile in VBA, so you can't be using it. On the other hand, if
you use a statement like this

testdata1 = = """hello there"",""basketball"""

to assign the string

"hello there","basketball"

to the variable, a statement like this

Print #1, testdata1

outputs it correctly to the file.

So what are you actually doing?


I'm simply opening a flat-file and reading it in line-by-line. I'm looking
for specific keywords in each line, and replacing those values with
information from a database table. Then I write out the line to an output
flat-file. So I read-in a template, and write-out a custom-file. The only
thing the database is used for is holding the replacement values to insert in
the file.

That help?


John Nurick


Perhaps I misread your original message. But in my experience and
according to the documentation, if you assemble the line you want in a
string variable, the Print # statement will output it to file as it
stands followed by a carriage return and line feed to terminate the

Dim strS As String
strS = "testdata1 = ""hello there"",""basketball"""
Open "C:\temp\testwrite.txt" For Append as #1
Print #1, strS
Close #1

will put this into strS
testdata1 = "hello there","basketball"
and write this
testdata1 = "hello there","basketball"<CR><LF>
to the file.

To prevent Print # outputting CR and LF to terminate a line, end the
statement with a semicolon, e.g.
Print #1, strS;
There are other subtleties if you pass Print # multiple arguments, or if
you pass numeric and date arguments as well as strings. I steer clear of
these and always assemble the data I need in a string and then Print #


That's the way I understand it works as well. However, that doesn't seem to
be the case, and I'm not at all sure why...


Never mind. The issue was on the INPUT statement, when reading the line into
a var. Because the line has commas in it, it was parsed at read-time.
Changing the input to LINE INPUT solved the problem.

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