writing arabic on microsoft word



hi there
i am working with XP sp3, and i have trend micro total security
i have aproblem with writing abaric
when i write some words , it will mix the letters randomly and exchange the
position of the words and when i scan the computer by trend micro it shows no
for example when i want to write السلام عليكم
but it write عليكم لسلاما
please tell me what is my problem
i will apretiate tht

with best regards


I don't know what trend micro total security is, or how it would
affect Word. It appears that your computer has the Arabic IME
installed, since you typed Arabic words below.

With your cursor in the Word document where you want the Arabic to
start, select Arabic from the Language Bar (which usually looks like
two letters -- EN, AR -- near the right end of the bar at the bottom
of your screen). You should then be able to type in Arabic directly
into your Word document, and letter connection, word order, line
breaks, etc., will behave properly.

Maybe when words are rearranged, it is because you are copying and
pasting them from some other source?


Could you be more specific on how you write Arabic? Did you use the Arabic
keyboard from Windows or third party software to input Arabic?


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